Fresh Clinics Blog

Vision to Victory: Inside the Growth Accelerator Strategy Day

Written by Fresh Clinics | 17/10/2024 4:50:57 AM

The Fresh Clinics Growth Accelerator Program is a first in the industry, delivered by renowned entrepreneurs from inside and outside aesthetics. Participants gain skills and insights to push the boundaries of their business and develop as leaders. 

Think strategic road mapping, commercial analysis, advanced consultation training, building high-performing teams, and setting up scalable management systems - just to name a few.

The first cohort of Fresh Members in our Growth Accelerator Program recently gathered for the final event of the course. This full-day, in-person strategy deep dive took place at The Grounds of Alexandria in Sydney. The day marked the end of eight weeks of intensive learning, aimed at providing participants with the tools they need for clinic growth and long-term success.

The day began with a warm welcome from Suzie Hoitink from HTNK Advisory, and Rob Price, Fresh Clinics CCO, followed by a session designed to remind the group of their unique 'Why' - the passion that brought them into the aesthetics industry and what drives them every day.

Participants were split into small groups, and the morning was packed with actionable insights, starting with the completion of the Growth Accelerator Strategy Canvas. 

Using LEGO® blocks, the cohort created physical representations of their motivations and values, sparking a creative reflection on their purpose as business owners. This exercise was not only fun but insightful, helping each person to define their vision, mission, and values.

Nurses then worked through strategic business questions, prompting answers on their Canvases. From this, they developed their elevator pitch, capturing what their clinic does, who it serves, and how it delivers value - all while aligning their team’s core values with daily operations. 

During the second breakout session - "Building Your ‘'What'”, members concentrated on setting tangible business goals. This covered financial objectives, clinic productivity metrics, and long-term visions for their clinics.

Participants were encouraged to think about what they wanted to achieve in the next 12 months and the personal and professional milestones they aimed to achieve in the years ahead. Breaking down complex strategies into clear, actionable goals provided everyone with a solid foundation to build on.

After a delicious lunch, the afternoon was all about the ‘How’, and identifying the initiatives needed to put in place to reach their goals. Using metrics such as Average Appointment Value and Client Rebooking Rates, they learned how to evaluate the impact and effort required for each initiative. This practical approach enabled our nurses to prioritise high-impact actions that would deliver the best results with efficient use of time and resources.

Another highlight of the day was the fireside chat with The Skincare Company.

The discussion emphasised the importance of training staff to recommend cosmeceuticals confidently, educating patients on the benefits of skincare alongside injectables, and promoting these products through seasonal offers.

Participants were also given exclusive offers and discounts on The Skincare Company’s clinical range. 

Roadmap For Success 

The day concluded with a focus on the ‘When’ - prioritising initiatives over the next 12 months using an Impact/Effort scale.

Our nurses walked away with a clear, actionable roadmap for the year ahead, tested and refined through the support of peers and business coaches, setting them up for sustainable, long-term success.

By the end of the day, the cohort had fine-tuned their strategies and established the steps they’ll take to continue growing their business.

What’s Next?

The Fresh Clinics Growth Accelerator Program provided attendees with a wealth of knowledge through comprehensive modules, including branding, strategic planning, high-impact marketing, and skincare integration.

We are so proud of our first cohort and can't wait to witness the impact they will make in the coming months.

If you’re ready to take the next step in growing your clinic, now is the perfect time to join the waitlist for the next cohort of the Fresh Clinics Growth Accelerator Program. Your business transformation starts here.

Join the Growth Accelerator Waitlist here.